Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"They loved your GPA, then they saw your tweets" reflection

          The article "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets" throws out a flag on the play. What I am trying to say here is that I feel that everyone not yet in or through High School or through College can still use social media normally, yet just watch your posts. Colleges may find your posts as a sign that they shouldn't accept you in for reasons like what it may have said could put a bad rep. on them or what was shown could look bad if you are associated with the name of the college.

          The things that sort of confused we were why they even bother to look and why is it a "practice" to look into what the future students are saying. For both of those my explanation is that I found it confusing only because some people can be really smart, quiet and an overall good student at school, yet out of school they could go off and be the instigator of everything, or just simply be an overall troublemaker and/or procrastinator.

          After having read this article I can and will say I do not have plans to go post things that make my chances of not going to a college or university, yet I still have plans to be myself enjoy the right to have freedom of speech on certain things. Especially since I won't be like the MU students I heard about in the news and try and attract any negative attention or anything like that to any sort of school, group, organization, etc.

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