Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Final Reflection

Damien Fraser

e-Comm Final Reflection

My e-Communications (e-Comm) experience is one full of memories made, fun projects completed, learning how to work with all sorts of technology/software and a chance to make good impressions on the amazing e-Comm teachers! So In my final reflection overall for this year here in e-Comm has been throughout the 2015-2016 school year.

What,How,Why did I learn what I learned?

When asked “what did you learn?” a simple answer would be for me to say “A lot!” although that answer would make me sound like I learned so much that I either don’t care to talk about it or that I forgot about it, which neither of those things are true.  One of the things I learned is just how important communication and planning things out is. It can be hard when things aren’t fully planned out and one person gets stuck do a major/ big piece to a project, which I would know from my e9 final project. I learned it by it happening to me and me having to do a big part of a project on my own. It is important because the person who gets stuck in the situation like I was may have something else to do, example studying for finals.

What are my greatest strengths and weaknesses?

My Greatest strengths and weaknesses can be put into a gigantic list! So a few of my strengths and weaknesses are. The first one is that I am good at taking charge and getting something done, but there is a weakness in there because the time I had to do this to get part of a project done, I spent lots of time after school, which I could’ve used for studying and other things. Another Strength is my attitude towards finding the good in things and even if there is something I don’t necessarily like to do but has to happen I will give it a go. A weakness may be, depending on if and when it happens that I have a tendency to forget some things that may not seem important but can be. But a strength on the other hand is when I take notes I tend to copy everything down and even make side notes over what the teacher also mentions.

Is there anything I would change?

Would I change anything? Well yes, one thing I would change is during the e9 final project we had a couple of team members not fully doing much throughout the time in video, so I would go back and have one of them ask for instructions to start the website and start the website. I also would change how we planned things out and kept track of who does what, etc. and that is because I felt we may have slightly been disorganized, but it wasn’t that big of a deal because some of the more successful people/ well-known people may have been disorganized (example: scientists in their research may have been very disorganized or some of my teachers while disorganized are pretty successful with their jobs).


So in conclusion to all this, Communication is very important I have learned and teamwork may not always work without it. Also be at least somewhat organized and make sure everyone in a group project has something to do. Overall though e9 has been a great experience and in the end, would I do it again? No, because I am ready to finish the year out and Keep Moving Forward with my school career.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Name Animation and My Thoughts On e9

   My thoughts on e9 are that (a.) I have learned a lot more than I thought, especially out of e9 when I have the opportunity to help with things like the assembly set up for the school, or (b.) helping out filming and running the tricaster for the football games. I really enjoyed getting behind the camera and seeing just what one can do behind a camera, even if it is just on an Ipad mini. Then coming along to Graphic Design and Animation which both have me leaning towards each other when it comes to the question "which do you want to do next year?". The other part I have learned is that I am not very strong in the web design. 

   If I had to choose two e-Communications fields to go into as I progress through my years of high school, I would have to choose (a.) Video,thats for sure! and (b.) would have to be either Graphic Design or the Animation field. 

Overall e-Comm has been great!